Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Landline Credit Card Equipment

Negotiate Your Way To Lower Credit Card APR's!
By James Dimmitt

I have three major credit card accounts that I've had for many
years. The other night I was reconciling my monthly statements
and noticed a large discrepancy in the APR's (annual percentage
rate) I was paying on these three accounts.

My first card, card "A", has an APR of 8.9%; card "B" has an
APR of 9.9%; and card "C" has an APR of 17.9% -Ouch ! I knew I
had to see what I could do about this"out of range" interest
rate on card "C". So I considered a couple of options.

One choice would be to transfer or switch the balance on card
"C" to a new card with a lower APR. This would be very easy
to do since I had received several pre-approved credit card
offers earlier in the week. They included "convenience checks"
that I could use to payoff that high APR credit card, thereby
transferring that balance to a new account.

I decided against this option however because I didn't really
want to add another account to my credit profile. Your credit
score, that "magic number" that establishes your
credit-worthiness to merchants can be affected negatively by
having too many accounts.

So instead I decided to contact the issuer of credit card "C"
to see what they could do about that 17.9% APR which seemed so
out of line with my two other credit card accounts. I reasoned
this was the better of the two options before me since I've
already established a relationship with this company; a
relationship which included many years of on-time payments
which reflects positively in my credit profile with the credit

I called the 800 number and talked to a very a nice gentleman.
I explained to him the reason for my call; two other credit card
issuers offered me a much more reasonable interest rate and so
I'd like to see what his company could offer to me.

I wasn't surprised when he replied that he could lower my
current rate from 17.9% to 15.9%. Since the credit card
company makes a profit from the interest rate they charge I
didn't expect to be offered the best or lowest rate right off
the bat. I prepared myself to have to do a little negotiating.

And so I reminded him that my account was in goodstanding and
had been for many years now. I had not made any late payments
and always made more thanthe minimum payment due.

Again he informed me that the best he could offer was a rate of
15.9% that would be good until August 2003. So now not only
was I not feeling like I was getting a very good deal but this
new rate would only be a "promotional" rate !

I remained calm and friendly, knowing that yelling at him or
telling him what a "lousy" company he worked for would be
counterproductive to my end goal - a lower and better APR for
this account. I thaned him for his time but told him I didn't
feel this was a very good offer.

And then the "magic" happened. He asked if I would like to
speak to an account manager and that perhaps they could better
assist me. I thanked him for his time and assistance and was
then transferred to an account manager.

I explained my dilemma to her and reasoned with her that as a
good customer I expected a much better rate. She empathized
with me and then offered to upgrade my account to their
platinum status which carried an APR of 9.9% ! In addition,
the platinum card offered many more benefits and had no annual
fee. She also assured me that this was a "contract rate" and
not a promotional rate. I would keep the same account number
so I would not be opening a "new" account but simply upgrading
my current account status.

Next time you are reconciling your monthly statements take a
close look at the various APR's you are paying. If you notice
a disparity in the rates you are paying, call your card issuers
to negotiate a better rate. My persistence paid off. Be
persistent - it can pay off for you too!

About the Author: © 2005, Author: James H. Dimmitt
James is editor of “To Your Credit” a FREE weekly newsletter
focusing on managing your personal finances and credit.
Subscribe and get a FREE copy of your credit report when you


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