Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Landline Credit Card Equipment

Defeating Credit Card Debt With Self Control
By Roy Thomsitt

Credit card debt is a major social problem in some Western
countries. To rid yourself of credit card debt, it is best to
recognize the problem as both a social and individual problem.

If you are overburdened with credit card debt, or are in danger
of becoming so, it is very easy to see it purely as an
individual problem, one from which you may be suffering both
physically and mentally. Worry and stress can be silent
marauders into your physical and mental well being. Debt can
undoubtedly cause both worry and stress, not just to the debtor,
but their immediate families too.

Why Should You Care About The Social Causes of Credit Card

If you wish to overcome your credit card debt problem, you will
benefit from removing some of the social influences. They are a
major influence on the way you react, think and behave. Remove
the social influences, and you take a big stride in your journey
to eliminate your debt.

I do not, of course, mean remove the root causes of credit card
debt. You cannot do that. What I am referring to is to prevent
the social influences from penetrating you and taking over your
life. As an individual, you have the right to resist social
influences where they are harmful. The liberal, unfettered use
of credit cards is an influence you will benefit from resisting.

Just by being fully aware of the social influences, you have
made an important step. You will more likely be on your guard,
and by asserting your individuality, you are more likely to
overcome or prevent the credit card debt problem.

What Are The Social Causes Of Credit Card Debt?

You could spend years analyzing the credit card debt problem.
Here are just a few of the influences at work in the society
around you:

1. Credit card interest rates are high, therefore the profits
can be high. Banks and other credit card issuers are after their
slice of that big money, including from you. They can therefore
justify big marketing budgets to get your money. I deliberately
do not say “get your business”. You will resist better if you
think “they are after my money.”

2. It is very easy to get credit cards, multiple credit cards
in fact. Issuers of credit cards make it easy for you, if you
have had no debt problems in the past. If they seem to take it
lightly, it is understandable that their customers do too. But
remember, they take the risk factors into account when setting
interest rates. That’s why they are so high.

3. Your friends, neighbours and work colleagues will probably
all have multiple credit cards, talk about them and flash them
around from time to time. That can all influence your own
attitude to credit card debt. 4. Depending on what country you
are in, yours may be a “have now, pay later” society. Immediate
gratification can take precedence over common sense. If everyone
else is doing it, it surely must be right? Wrong. Especially if
the interest rates are too high.

5. You see other people buy new furniture, go on exotic
vacations, or go out to expensive restaurants all the time. Even
if you never know if they are doing so on credit card, you may
want the same. But you do not have the immediate cash, so what
do you do? Jump on the credit card train? That is what your
society may be pushing you towards.

How To Resist the Social Pressures To Succumb To Credit Card

Due to the overwhelming pressures of the credit card society,
it can be quite a difficult task, initially, to change your own
attitudes. But by asserting your individuality, you can steadily
eliminate the social conditioning. It is really a matter of how
you think in certain situations. You are in charge of the way
you think, so all you need to do is what is natural. Not what
everyone else seems to be doing around you, but what is natural
to you as an individual. Think to protect yourself, assert
yourself, and to look after your financial well being.

Here are a few ideas to help you:

1. Whatever type of loan you may apply for, you are after just
one product, money. Different types of loans are marketed as
separate products, in different packages, but to you, they
should all be one: money. The money, once you have it, is all
the same quality. A dollar is a dollar, a pound is a pound, a
euro is a euro. Having engrained that upon yourself, knowing you
are just after this single product, you need only look at price.
Credit card debt is very, very expensive. The interest takes
money from you, and reduces your assets. If you need a loan, you
want the lowest possible interest rate, one that does not
unnecessarily leech your assets.

2. A credit card should only be used as a convenience to pay if
you have no cash on you, knowing that you can pay off the
balance before interest charges kick in. Many cards have an
interest free period. Never use credit cards as a loan beyond
that free period. Others do, but you have no need to. You can
eliminate that idea altogether. You are creating a new habit
that will enhance your financial situation, and resisting an old
common habit that would ultimately damage your finances.

3. Plan all your borrowing. Sit down and write down what you
absolutely must buy over the next year, and add what you would
like to buy. Total the cost. Write down a budget for each month,
making sure you have listed all your regular expenses that are
fixed and unavoidable, and those over which there is some
flexibility. Compare that total with your income. If you have a
surplus, then you can think about those extra purchases you had
in mind. If not, don’t think any more about them. You cannot
afford them, and cannot afford to borrow.

If you have a planned surplus, then maybe you can get those
things you wanted. If you can afford all of them, and there are
quite a few items on your list, then forget about getting a
loan. Be patient, resist the have now pay later syndrome. You
can save interest and buy a bonus item with that later if you
really must. You are in a great position to pay cash. Prioritize
the things you want to buy, and note their cost, and then work
out a plan by which you buy one item at a time spread throughout
the year. Why pay the banks credit, when you can pay cash? You
will save not just the interest but maybe get cash discounts.
Cash gives you control. With credit you are subservient.

If, on the other hand, there are just one or two more expensive
items you want to buy, it is time to compare options and test
your resolve. If you save your surplus each month, consider how
long it will take to have enough for item 1 and maybe item 2.
Are they really urgent? Probably not. Maybe you can save for one
after 4 months and 2 after 9 months. That way you are getting
into the habit of saving, and living off cash. Cash is king.
Your finances will start to look good over time, and you’ll
start to feel proud of yourself. You will feel in control.

Remember too that by saving, if an emergency comes up, you may
have the cash at hand instead of reaching for that expensive
credit card.

You really cannot wait and save? That is a pity, but now check
out all the loan sources suitable for your intended purchases.
Get the best plan, the best interest rates, and apply, with the
intention of using that loan just for what it is intended, and
to pay it off within the time scale of the spending plan. In the
example one year. Stick to that discipline, and your credit is
still under your control. And, you have avoided reliance on
expensive credit cards.

4. Remind yourself every day that you are only going to use
your credit card when you have no cash on you, as a convenience,
and you will repay it before interest starts to accrue.

5. Also remind yourself every day that sometimes it is good, or
even necessary, to be that bit different, and to resist social
pressures. Imagine all the credit card lemmings heading towards
the precipice, while you relax in your counting house, counting
out your money. Real money; your assets. Anyway, it’s great
sometimes to be different, it really does make you feel good
about yourself.

6. Never, ever feel you have to buy something just because a
neighbour or friend has been boasting about theirs. Envy and
jealousy are viruses that minimize your individuality, and can,
in this case, damage your finances.

Resisting the pressures of the credit card society will be a
lot easier once you have set your mind to it, and started to
feel the benefits. Enjoy the process, and you will be a cash
convert for the rest of your affluent life.

About the Author: Roy Thomsitt is the owner and part author of

Friday, July 27, 2007

Landline Credit Card Equipment

Accept Credit Card at Trade Show
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Shane_Penrod]Shane Penrod

Are you wondering whether to accept credit card at trade show options? You know how it goes. You register for a show, set up your booth, and over the course of the event you find that lots of customers want to buy your products. If you are stuck making change for cash payments or trying to decide whether to accept a personal check, you could spend a lot of time and lose many customers in the process. Those who prefer to pay by plastic will head to your competitors’ booths where they can swipe a card and be on their way in a few moments’ time. With a credit payment processor, you can be the one swiping the plastic and ringing up the sale. So how can you get set up to receive credit card payments at a trade show? It all starts with a merchant services account.

If you are exploring whether to accept credit card at trade show possibilities, you should consider opening a merchant services account. Many banks or other financial institutions offer this commercial-grade company account. They will often let you submit an application over the Internet at their Websites and get back to you with an answer in a day or two. When your application is approved, you can take advantage of the great financing options that the bank will provide in underwriting a credit processing account so that you can accept credit card payments from your customers either on-site or at a remote location, such as a trade show. Simply buy, lease, or rent a wireless credit processor and take it with you to the show. Your customers will love the convenience of using plastic over cash, and you will love adding up profits at the end of the day.

When you decide to accept credit card at trade show options, your journey into e-commerce should be smooth and clear. If a problem should arise, you can report it to the service technician who is responsible for maintaining your equipment. If you buy the unit outright, however, you may want to consider purchasing an accompanying service agreement in case a glitch should develop. Take your wireless unit to the trade show with you, set it up in a safe place where it won’t fall or get damaged, and put up a sign, if you have one, alerting customers to this credit paying option. If you also have a company Website, you may want to hand out fliers with your Web address on it so they can visit online to make additional purchases, using their credit card paying ability at that location as well, assuming you have set up your site to receive secure credit payments.

Going to the trade shows is a great way to see and be seen by customers and competitors. Imagine taking your credit processing equipment to facilitate sales while there. Give some serious thought to reasons that will benefit both company and clients as to why you should accept credit card at trade show options.

Shane Penrod is the founder of http://www.Merchant-Account-Quotes.com Specializing in allowing merchants the ability to shop and compare multiple quotes from national merchant account providers. For free quotes on merchant account rates and fees, please go to http://www.merchant-account-quotes.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shane_Penrod http://EzineArticles.com/?Accept-Credit-Card-at-Trade-Show&id=103872

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Landline Credit Card Equipment

Lost or Stolen Credit Card? Here's What To Do
By Jill Kane

Unfortunately, purses and wallets become lost or stolen every
day. The missing credit cards in your purse or wallet become
the biggest concern.

Do you know what to do if this happens to you? Well, you should
because a few simple steps can save you a lot of headache. It
really isn't difficult to develop an action plan for your lost
or stolen credit cards.

All major credit card companies have policies to protect you
from loss or theft. You just need to know how to get their
policies working for you if your cards become missing.

The first step is to contact your credit card companies to
report your missing cards. Many companies offer a toll free
number or an online service to handle this type of problem

Fortunately, federal law states that your are only liable for
the first $50.00 of fraudulent charges made to your account.
However, you are still required to report the card lost or
stolen and if you do so prior to any fraudulent charges, you
are not liable for the $50.00 charge either.

Be sure to carefully review your statement for any charges that
don't belong to you. And, if there are any fraudulent charges to
your account, notify your credit card company in writing

When your send in your written notification be sure to mail it
to the billing errors address. Do not send it with your payment
as it will probably become lost and never get recorded.

A lost or stolen debit card works somewhat differently from a
credit card. If you report the card lost or stolen before it is
used you are not liable for any charges, however, if you wait
for even two business days you may be liable for up to $500.00
of any fraudulent charges made with your card.

After you have reported your missing card, be sure to review
your statements carefully for any fraudulent charges. You
should call, as well as, follow-up with a certified letter
regarding any issues with your lost or stolen card. This added
step will help to eliminate any liability on your part.

Also, remember to have your credit card contact information in
a safe place where you can quickly access it if needed.

Of course, the best way to avoid these problems is to keep
careful track of your credit cards. Know where your credit
cards are at all times and keep your pin numbers secret. Also,
be sure to use pin numbers that are not easy to figure out,
such as your date or birth.

Most importantly, be prepared to contact your credit card
companies via telephone and in writing as soon as possible in
the event your cards become lost or stolen.

About the Author: Jill Kane is an author for

Source: http://www.isnare.com

Friday, July 20, 2007

Landline Credit Card Equipment

Free Credit Card Processing
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Thomas_Morva]Thomas Morva

It is difficult to run a successful e-commerce project without being able to make credit card transactions. Credit card processing involves many things, such as the verification of the consumer's credit card number, expiry date, and other data connected with credit cards.

If you are a beginner in business, free credit card processing services would be an ideal option for you. Unlike regular credit card processing, you don't have to pay for expensive credit card processing software, customer service fees, a secure server, minimum transaction fees, and monthly gateway fees when using free credit card processing.

Most free credit card processing companies charge only a nominal fee per transaction or a monthly percentage fee. Therefore, free processing helps you save a significant amount of money every month. However, this does not work well when merchant accounts are involved. Regular credit card processing involves the payment of a statement fee, a minimum fee, a discount fee, and a license fee, in addition to start-up fees.

If you opt to go with free credit card processing, it is advisable that you visit a credit processing firm to learn what kind of transactions are generally done in credit card processing. Third party credit card processing companies can be a good resource for those who are looking for a less expensive means to accept credit cards online. They normally offer free credit card processing services. Their merchant account doesn?t charge any fee for many transactions, including phone, fax, retail, mail, Internet, or wireless businesses.

Lots of free credit card processing companies do not entail creating your own merchant account. Today, many online businesses make use of free credit card processing. They include CCBill, iBill, V-Share, and ShareIt. [http://www.i-CreditCardProcessing.com]Credit Card Processing provides detailed information on Credit Card Processing, Online Credit Card Processing, Credit Card Processing Software, Wireless Credit Card Processing and more. Credit Card Processing is affiliated with [http://www.e-CreditCardTerminals.com]Wireless Credit Card Terminals.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Thomas_Morva http://EzineArticles.com/?Free-Credit-Card-Processing&id=353155

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Landline Credit Card Equipment

Master The Credit Card Application
By Ron King

Once you decide to get a credit card, select the card that's
best for you. Pick the credit card company whose total package
of terms,conditions, interest rates, and incentives matches
your personal needs.

The information you'll need to supply to get a credit card is
essentially the same, whether you apply through the mail, over
the phone, or online.

Application Sources

Most credit card offers come through the mail. This is
convenient to review many different offers in writing in the
leisure and privacy of your home. You can take all the time you
need to read and review each offer in depth. When you're ready
to choose, you can provide the personal and financial
information requested.

All card offers arrive with an application form attached. Just
fill it out and send it in. All forms ask for the same
necessary details. The approval processes take a little longer
by mail, but you should have an answer within 2 weeks.

Another option is to go directly to your local bank branch and
apply in person for a card. This is practically the same
application process; only you are dealing with the bank staff
who can answer your questions in person. The approval time may
even be a bit faster because the bank knows your financial
status and can easily check your credit history.

Applying online is simple, safe, and fast. Just go to that
issuer's web site, click on the "Apply" link and the
application appears. Then carefully follow the instructions.
There's no waiting for the snail mail traveling back and forth.
Any details can be easily handled through e-mail.

Information You Need To Supply

Personal information: driver's license number, social security
number, date of birth, and current address.

Financial information: your employment, salary, banking
relationships, and credit obligations.

And Then The Waiting Begins

Once the application is sent off, the approval time varies.
Some card companies offer instant approval, while others take
as long as 2 weeks. The rate at which you are approved is
generally based on your credit history. Once you have been
approved, you'll be notified by e-mail, mail, or phone.

All the application processes work fine. Just don't apply for
too many cards at the same time. Creditors frown on this. Every
credit check shows up on your credit report. Too many hits at
once make creditors suspicious.

And a suspicious creditor is more likely to say, "NO."

About the Author: Ron King is a full-time researcher, writer,
and web developer. Visit http://www.new-credit-card-now.com to
learn more about this fascinating subject. Copyright 2005 Ron

Source: http://www.isnare.com

Friday, July 6, 2007

Landline Credit Card Machines

Accepting Credit Cards: A Need of Every Business
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Paul_MacIver]Paul MacIver

Credit cards are fast replacing the cash payment mechanisms. With online shopping a way of life now, it is imperative that businesses are able to accept credit cards. Today, an average citizen has at least four credit cards, and they are ready to shop using cards for anything, be it online or in shops.

With such good penetration of credit cards, any business owner, even if the scale of business is not too big, should not miss out on implementing credit card payment gateways at their business establishments or websites.

Implementing the Credit Card Payment System:

There are three important parts of a credit card processing system. The first part is a secure form; one that is S.S.L. enabled and will be used to take the credit card details of the customers. This form will capture the details of the customer's credit card and the total payment will be made.

S.S.L. is short for Secure Socket Layer, a way to encrypt the sensitive credit card information, and is supported by all major browsers and ISPs.

The second thing is getting a merchant account with the bank where all the money will be deposited. For that, you will have to get in touch with a bank that will set up the account etc.

Thirdly, you need payment-processing software, which will connect you with the bank and help you accept payments.

If you want, you can bypass all this and implement a third party account as well, which will take care of all these hassles while you get all your money. However, they charge on a per transaction basis, so on every transaction that they process, you will need to pay a fee. Some may also charge a one time account setup fee as well.

Benefits of Accepting Credit Card Payments:

Accepting credit cards is quite beneficial for all merchants, be it small business owners or large sellers. If a small business owner does not accept credit cards, he/she may lose on the huge crowd of customers in the market, as people prefer more and more to shop with cards.

Next, all the international customers like business travelers, or tourists, prefer to use credit cards when shopping. Tourism and travel are on an all time high, and any merchant who does not offer the facility to accept credit card payments will lose out to them.

There are many facilities which small business owners can derive from such a payment system. Visa has come up with a new cash and credit management product for small business owners. Most credit cards in the world are Visa cards.

Since online purchases can be safely and quickly made using credit cards, most people prefer card payments only. If a small business owner has not implemented the credit card facility for online customers, he/she may lose out to a large number of online shoppers.

Many customers are impulsive buyers. Such customers will buy whenever they see something interesting, wherever they see it. They may not have cash on them at the time, but if they like something, they will buy it with their credit card. So to harness such customers, small business owners need to put a credit card payments system in place.

Some customers may not have enough cash reserves to shop, but may choose to buy now and pay the credit card company later.

Checks cannot be used as a reliable method of accepting payments, as they may bounce due to insufficient funds. Credit cards relieve the merchant of the concerns whether he will get his money or not.

Small business owners can make money as well as save money, as credit card payments are faster modes of payment especially if the business is run online.

Paul MacIver is a contributing author for [http://www.mega-info-spot.info]Mega Info Spot - Visit [http://www.your-creditcard-guide.info]Accept Credit Cards for further info on [http://www.your-creditcard-guide.info/sitemap.php]Credit Card Processing and setting up a merchant account.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paul_MacIver http://EzineArticles.com/?Accepting-Credit-Cards:-A-Need-of-Every-Business&id=269919

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Landline Credit Card Equipment

Negotiate Your Way To Lower Credit Card APR's!
By James Dimmitt

I have three major credit card accounts that I've had for many
years. The other night I was reconciling my monthly statements
and noticed a large discrepancy in the APR's (annual percentage
rate) I was paying on these three accounts.

My first card, card "A", has an APR of 8.9%; card "B" has an
APR of 9.9%; and card "C" has an APR of 17.9% -Ouch ! I knew I
had to see what I could do about this"out of range" interest
rate on card "C". So I considered a couple of options.

One choice would be to transfer or switch the balance on card
"C" to a new card with a lower APR. This would be very easy
to do since I had received several pre-approved credit card
offers earlier in the week. They included "convenience checks"
that I could use to payoff that high APR credit card, thereby
transferring that balance to a new account.

I decided against this option however because I didn't really
want to add another account to my credit profile. Your credit
score, that "magic number" that establishes your
credit-worthiness to merchants can be affected negatively by
having too many accounts.

So instead I decided to contact the issuer of credit card "C"
to see what they could do about that 17.9% APR which seemed so
out of line with my two other credit card accounts. I reasoned
this was the better of the two options before me since I've
already established a relationship with this company; a
relationship which included many years of on-time payments
which reflects positively in my credit profile with the credit

I called the 800 number and talked to a very a nice gentleman.
I explained to him the reason for my call; two other credit card
issuers offered me a much more reasonable interest rate and so
I'd like to see what his company could offer to me.

I wasn't surprised when he replied that he could lower my
current rate from 17.9% to 15.9%. Since the credit card
company makes a profit from the interest rate they charge I
didn't expect to be offered the best or lowest rate right off
the bat. I prepared myself to have to do a little negotiating.

And so I reminded him that my account was in goodstanding and
had been for many years now. I had not made any late payments
and always made more thanthe minimum payment due.

Again he informed me that the best he could offer was a rate of
15.9% that would be good until August 2003. So now not only
was I not feeling like I was getting a very good deal but this
new rate would only be a "promotional" rate !

I remained calm and friendly, knowing that yelling at him or
telling him what a "lousy" company he worked for would be
counterproductive to my end goal - a lower and better APR for
this account. I thaned him for his time but told him I didn't
feel this was a very good offer.

And then the "magic" happened. He asked if I would like to
speak to an account manager and that perhaps they could better
assist me. I thanked him for his time and assistance and was
then transferred to an account manager.

I explained my dilemma to her and reasoned with her that as a
good customer I expected a much better rate. She empathized
with me and then offered to upgrade my account to their
platinum status which carried an APR of 9.9% ! In addition,
the platinum card offered many more benefits and had no annual
fee. She also assured me that this was a "contract rate" and
not a promotional rate. I would keep the same account number
so I would not be opening a "new" account but simply upgrading
my current account status.

Next time you are reconciling your monthly statements take a
close look at the various APR's you are paying. If you notice
a disparity in the rates you are paying, call your card issuers
to negotiate a better rate. My persistence paid off. Be
persistent - it can pay off for you too!

About the Author: © 2005,
http://www.yourfreecreditreportnow.com Author: James H. Dimmitt
James is editor of “To Your Credit” a FREE weekly newsletter
focusing on managing your personal finances and credit.
Subscribe and get a FREE copy of your credit report when you
visit: http://www.yourfreecreditreportnow.com

Source: http://www.isnare.com

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Landline Credit Card Equipment

A Mind-Blowing Secret About Law Firm Cash Management
By Chris Rempel

All lawyers - solo and large-firm attorneys alike - know that time is money. Days must be planned with the utmost efficiency in order to keep a law practice running smoothly. Lawyers and attorneys must spend the majority of their time and efforts representing clients; but the day-to-day running of a law office is like any other business.

Clients must be billed, payments tracked and accounts kept up to date, and receiving payments in a variety of formats is time consuming. Sometimes, law firm cash management can be anything but profitable.

It stands to reason that if all of one's time is consumed by business administration issues like collecting on unpaid accounts, banking and so on - this "multi-tasking" will not only waste time, but also cause the firm to actually lose profits for the following reasons:

1. Less time will be spent billing hours and making money

2. Money will be lost on accounts owing, and time will be lost pursuing them

So what's the solution - getting paid up-front, or perhaps using a trust account?

Both of those may be options, but the most adaptable and sensible option is to accept credit cards from your clients. This opens your doors to more clients - as it makes it easier for "cash-strapped" clients to pay legal fees. It also makes it easier to collect on A/R, because you can simply process the payment in a matter of seconds and the issue will be dealt with - instead of waiting for checks, or running all over town to collect them.

However, today's credit card mentality has created a dilemma, particularly for professionals working independently or with small firms and businesses. Typically, the procedure for accepting credit card payments has been fraught with rules, regulations and a lot of stress. And when time is short anyway, the process involved in setting up such a system can seem endless. The costs to set up a "merchant account" can seem intimidating.

Concentrating on a law practice is an ongoing endeavor; but the task of providing credit card acceptance capabilities can be downright overwhelming. The need to know everything there is to know about merchant services has caused thousands of professionals and business hopefuls to throw up their arms in frustration and declare "No credit cards accepted!"

Issues involving statement and transaction fees, in addition to annual fees, programs fees and monthly minimums are enough to annoy anyone, and it doesn't end there. So, in the long run, attorneys lose potential clients desperately in need for attorney services.

Daring souls who brave the murky waves of rules, regulations, waivers and fees to invest in the actual equipment/startup cost needed to perform a credit card transaction still face contracts and agreements for that equipment, and hours of research. Cost for leasing credit card processing tools ranges from $29.00 to $80.00 a month, sometimes more. Lease terms generally run 36-48 months and canceling the lease is often not an option. Once you sign, you're stuck. Leasers must also pay state tax, if applicable, and may also find themselves paying for "Loss or Destruction" of that equipment as well. If you default on your lease, it's your credit report that suffers.

As a result, attorneys often find themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place. And many attorneys, especially those working solo, or even those who belong to small firms, can ill afford to spend hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars setting up and maintaining a credit card billing system for their business. Yet not doing so can cost them thousands of dollars in earning potential - and in terms of collecting on legal fees owed while simplifying their law firm cash management process overall.

So what to do? What options are out there? Granted, not many. Still, one solution is growing in popularity. It's called mobile credit card processing, and it's a unique service provided by companies like "Accept by Phone". Finally, professionals, especially lawyers, can accept credit cards without the mundane and frustrating hassle of more "traditional" credit card processing methods. Many potential clients, including those going through divorce, those facing criminal charges and whose account assets have been frozen, and countless others seeking the services of an attorney often don't have access to cash or checking accounts. Mobile credit card processing services enable both clients and attorneys to complete payment transactions painlessly with a credit card.

Most mobile credit card processors allow attorneys to accept credit card payments via landline and through cell phones, instantly. No more waiting for checks to arrive and, more importantly, to clear. Credit card payments don't bounce. Using such a service also cuts overhead expenses and eradicates the fees and regulations of more traditional methods.

The catch? Believe it or not, there isn't one. Some services actually cost as little as $5.00 a month (in fees) to use, along with a percentage on each sale (usually ranging from 3.95% to 5%). Most services have no annual fees, no transaction fees, no minimums or volume restrictions. There are no cancellations fees and no terminals needed. And all you need is a phone line, cell phone or a PDA.

How can that be? Besides technology that truly places the world at our fingertips, this "accept by phone" system is very low maintenance for the account provider (financial institution that issues the merchant account), and the account setup/approval cost is minimal in comparison to a traditional account. These services utilize an automated system that enables callers and vendors to complete transactions in a matter of seconds and with a minimum of hassle. And as a result, both the merchant provider and the merchant (you) save big time.

These unique merchant services offer a win-win situation; clients receive immediate legal representation that fits into their financial ability and preference, and attorneys get paid, instantly, just by using their cell phone for 30 seconds - simplifying their law firm cash management struggles in one fell swoop.

What's not to like about that?

Chris Rempel recommends http://www.AcceptByPhone.com, which enables lawyers to accept credit cards using any phone (or cell), for just $5 per month and 3.95% per sale. Find out why Chris and others think this service is the ultimate mobile merchant account service.

For more practical law firm business tips, see my law firm management website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_Rempel